Ip2whois - Domain Lookup
IP2WHOIS is a free tool that enables users to retrieve WHOIS information for a specific domain. This information includes details such as the domain's assigned owner contact information, registrar information, registrant information, location, and more. The primary operation available is to lookup WHOIS information for a domain.
Domain Information Retrieval


Domain Owners
Domain Owners
Discover the hidden details of your domain with our AI assistant. Easily access WHOIS information, including ownership details, registrar information, and location data. Stay informed and in control of your online presence.
Use cases
Chat examples

Website Administrators
Website Administrators
Protect your website from potential threats with our AI assistant's domain security check feature. Easily verify WHOIS information, review registrar details, and ensure your domain's ownership and registration are secure.
Use cases
Chat examples
Transforming user intents to actions with a genie touch