Prss - ContentDepot
ContentDepot offers a comprehensive API for managing, discovering, and obtaining content. Key functionalities include MetaPub for collecting and distributing metadata, ContentDepot Drive for private file storage, and integration with RadioDNS for dynamic program metadata retrieval. The API utilizes OAuth 2.0 for authentication and supports operations such as uploading, deleting, and retrieving files from the customer's private CD Drive.
API Management
Content Management Systems


Operations Manager
Operations Manager
Streamline the process of uploading and managing content files with our AI assistant. Easily upload metadata files, images, or segment audio to the private CD Drive, ensuring smooth operations and enhanced workflow efficiency. Our solution empowers operations managers to efficiently handle content uploads and streamline organizational processes.
Use cases
Chat examples

Project Manager
Project Manager
Facilitate seamless resource coordination for project execution with our AI assistant. Easily manage and synchronize metadata files, images, and segment audio across different programs and episodes using the CD Drive. Our solution empowers project managers to efficiently coordinate resources and ensure timely project delivery.
Use cases
Chat examples

Brand Manager
Brand Manager
Elevate brand identity management through seamless content organization with our AI assistant. Effectively manage metadata files, images, and segment audio on the CD Drive to maintain brand consistency and strategic marketing initiatives. Our solution empowers brand managers to streamline content organization and drive brand growth.
Use cases
Chat examples
Transforming user intents to actions with a genie touch