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Symanto - Psycholinguistic Text Analytics

Our API leverages psychology and AI to provide in-depth insights into people's emotions, language, personality traits, and sentiment analysis of written text. It offers functionalities such as identifying writing style, detecting emotions based on Ekman's model, language detection, predicting personality traits, and evaluating text tonality. Supported languages include Arabic, German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian.

Emotion Recognition

Personality Prediction

Language Detection

Text Sentiment Analysis

Writing Style Identification

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Delve into the emotional nuances of written text with our AI assistant. Gain deep insights into the underlying emotions such as anger, joy, love, sadness, and surprise. Understand the psychological aspects of communication like never before.

Use cases

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Uncover the Emotions Behind Texts with AI

Chat examples

Can you analyze this text and identify the underlying emotions?
I've analyzed the text and detected a mix of joy and surprise. The emotional insights can help you understand the underlying sentiments better.

Empower your language learning journey with our AI assistant's language detection feature. Easily identify the language of any text you encounter, whether it's in English, German, Spanish, or other supported languages.

Use cases

Chat examples

Can you tell me what language this text is written in?
The text is in Spanish. Knowing the language can help you better comprehend the content and enhance your language skills.

Transforming user intents to actions with a genie touch